Sunday, August 25, 2013

Study: Welfare pays more than work in most states (Daily Caller)

In 35 states, welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job, according to a new study by the libertarian Cato Institute, and in 13 states welfare pays more than $15 per hour.
“The current welfare system provides such a high level of benefits that it acts as a disincentive for work,” reads the study. “Welfare currently pays more than a minimum-wage job in 35 states, even after accounting for the Earned Income Tax Credit, and in 13 states it pays more than $15 per hour.”
Welfare recipients in Hawaii get the most benefits, according to Tanner, at $29.13 per hour — or $60,590 pre-tax income annually. However, the state’s minimum wage is only $7.25 per hour, according to the Labor Department. Hawaiians on welfare also earn 167 percent of the median salary in the state, which is only $36,275
The District of Columbia, Massachusetts and Connecticut have the next more generous welfare benefits.
D.C. welfare recipients can earn $24.43 per hour. In Massachusetts they can get $24.30 per hour. In Connecticut welfare recipients can receive $21.33 per hour.
“If Congress and state legislatures are serious about reducing welfare dependence and rewarding work, they should consider strengthening welfare work requirements, removing exemptions, and narrowing the definition of work,” says the study

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Obama's Self-Described, "Mentor", Communist and Pornographer, Frank Marshall Davis.

Book Review: "The Communist" - Does Frank Marshall Davis Have An Ideological Godson In President Obama?
[...] In fact, [Frank Marshall] Davis [the mentor, Frank, Obama describes in his autobiographical, "Dreams of My Father"] was the subject not only of "Pop," but also of an Obama high school poem, "An Old Man."  Both poems deal with the relationship between a naïve young man and a jaded older one.  Curiously, so does Davis's poem, "To a Young Man," written just a few years before Obama's.  Had McHenry given his readers a link to the article in which I make the case for Davis as author of the Obama poems, they might not have thought it as amusing as McHenry does.
McHenry likewise thinks it irrelevant that "Obama didn't remember the poem from his high school magazine when reminded of it in 2008."  Again, however, he denies his audience critical information.  When Obama was shown "An Old Man" in 2008, he responded, "It sounds in spirit that it's talking a little bit about my grandfather."  Obama knew better than that.  Like his handlers and their media accomplices, he consciously steered the conversation away from Davis.
There was good reason for the steering.  As McHenry concedes, Davis was a communist and a pornographer.  Had Mitt Romney written two youthful poems about a man of comparable interests, that man's name would be more notorious than "Bain Capital."  As it is, not one Democrat out of a hundred could identify "Frank Marshall Davis

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Link to Frank Marshall Davis's Book, Sex Rebel