Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pic Of The Day…

Pic Of The Day…

Egypt: “Obama Out, Putin In”, “Bye Bye America”

Egypt: “Obama Out, Putin In”, “Bye Bye America”

Obama the Unembarrassable (David Limbaugh)

[...] His speech at Knox College on the economy contained all the ingredients of a vintage Obama speech: much fanfare about little substance; a stunning distortion of his record across the board, especially on the economy; refusal to accept responsibility and blaming others for the problems he's caused; his ludicrous portrayal of himself as an outsider pitted against the Washington political class he heads; predictable appeals to class warfare; tried-and-failed prescriptions for "growing the economy from the middle out"; his professed identification with the middle class, which his policies are devastating; his cynical dismissal as phony distractions of a raft of real administration scandals that would have brought other administrations to their knees; and an expression of affinity for government, not the American people, as the solution for all of our problems. [...]

Such is the mentality of ideologues. No amount of failure is proof of their policies failing. Others must always be blamed.

Obama no longer dazzles us with his smoke and mirrors; he bores us with them, droning on and on for more than an hour without offering any new ideas to turn the economy around -- because he has none.

Obama is as bereft of new ideas as a ventriloquist's dummy. He is a prisoner of his own theological affinity for expansive government as a panacea. His liberal ethical code tells him that growing government is a moral imperative that must supersede everything else, even economic growth and prosperity for the very people to whom liberals claim allegiance.

Full article here:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Larry Elder Embarrasses Piers "The Weasel" Morgan

Piers Morgan

Piers was fired from his last job, in Britain, prior to coming to CNN, for publishing blatantly-doctored photos, purporting to be British soldiers torturing Iraqi prisoners, so Piers could get a big scandal story for himself, while British troops were in harms way fighting for the country, overseas.

And Yet Another Democratic Party "Point of Light!"

Seriously, any time you people who vote for these morons are through destroying the country, let me know. 

IL State Rep: 'Maybe the Police Are Killing Some of These Kids'
Illinois State Representative Monique Davis is blaming the Chicago Police Department for the high number of killings in the Windy City. She is not just blaming the CPD for bad policing, though. She wonders if the police are doing some of the killing.
Davis, a House member from Chicago's South Side district, uttered the accusation on Detroit's WCHB-AM radio on July 16.
"I’m going to tell you what some suspicions have been, and people have whispered to me: they’re not sure that black people are shooting all of these children," Davis told the Detroit radio audience.
She continued saying, "There’s some suspicion -- and I don't want to spread this, but I'm just going to tell you what I've been hearing -- they suspect maybe the police are killing some of these kids."
One reason "there's some suspicion," Davis said, is because there have been few arrests for the dozens of murders perpetrated on the streets of the city. Lack of arrests leads Davis to believe police are the actual killers because there are no perpetrators being fingered.
Once word got back to Chicago that Davis was making these accusations, Chicago's WBBM-AM radio tracked her down to ask if she stood by those claims.
"I’m going to tell you what some suspicions have been, and people have whispered to me: they're not sure that black people are shooting all of these children,” Davis told the Chicago radio station.
More Here:

More Intellect and Logic from Democratic Party Icons

Former Army deserter and Black Panther Party "Defense Minister," Democratic Congressman Bobby Rush, lets loose with all the intellectual fury of the Democratic Party.

Obama: “Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me 35 Years Ago” – Update: Video Added… Update: Full Video With Transcript Of Remarks

Obama: “Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me 35 Years Ago” – Update: Video Added… Update: Full Video With Transcript Of Remarks

The Common Element In Egypt For Pro And Anti Morsi? Anti-US

The Common Element In Egypt For Pro And Anti Morsi? Anti-US

Bumbling Fool

The President Takes You for a Fool

Family Premiums Up $1,975 Since Obamacare Passed, But Obama Touts $100 Rebates

One day after 22 House Democrats joined Republicans in voting to delay Obamacare's individual mandate, President Obama used his bully pulpit to tout the law's benefits as well as the "savings" already resulting from the Affordable Care Act.  

In a speech at the White House Thursday, the president explained that because of the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies must spend at least 80 percent of every dollar paid in premiums on health care. Those that don't meet that requirement must send their customers refunds.

"Last year, millions of Americans opened letters from their insurance companies -- but instead of the usual dread that comes from getting a bill -- they were pleasantly surprised with a check," Obama said. "In 2012, 13 million rebates went out, in all 50 states. Another 8.5 [million] rebates are being sent out this summer, averaging around 100 bucks each."

The president singled out by name some of the Americans for whom the rebates are making a difference.

"And this is happening all across the country, and it’s happening because of the Affordable Care Act," he said. "It hasn’t been reported on a lot.  I bet if you took a poll, most folks wouldn’t know when that check comes in that this was because of Obamacare (laughter) -- that they got this extra money in their pockets.  But that's what's happening," he said.

Rebates are one thing, but rising premiums are another
More Here: CNS News

Epic Fail

Mitt Romney would have had Detroit on the road to recovery over a year ago by a declaration of bankruptcy and restructuring.  Obama, once more, has just wasted time and tens of millions of dollars.  He's an incompetent, posturing fool.

More Appeasement of Dictatorships

The Obama administration scuttles missile defense treaties with emerging, principled democratic republics like Poland and Czechoslovakia, but truckle to sit down with third world, oppressive, dictatorships that illegally arm our enemies.  Makes a hell of a lot of sense to me!

Ros-Lehtinen: No Time for 'Niceties' With Cuba After Weapons Discovery (Newsmax)

Cuba should be sanctioned for the recent discovery of weapons on a freighter bound for North Korea — not rewarded with resumed migration talks with the Obama administration, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen tells Newsmax TV.

"This is unbelievable that the very week it is uncovered that Cuba is violating a U.N. Security Council resolution, what does the United States do?” the Florida Republican asks Newsmax in an exclusive interview. "They reward the Castro regime by sitting down and talking about migration talks — and, in fact, they congratulate the Cuban regime for safe and orderly migration. This is unbelievable.
"Out of this case with the North Korean ship, the Obama administration might be congratulating the Cuban regime for a safe and orderly passage of transportation of arms to North Korea. Who knows? They're looking to reward the Castro regime for anything.

"This is not the time for normal niceties," Ros-Lehtinen adds. "This is a time to get tough on our enemies. These guys are state sponsors of terrorism, and North Korea should be put back on that list of state sponsors of terrorism." [....]

"If they thought that these were obsolete small arms, which is still a fabrication, why did they hide them under tons of sugar?" she adds. "They were hiding the cargo. These are enlisted arms. They're not obsolete and they were violating sanctions."

More Here:

The Most Transparent Adminstration Ever Strikes Again!

Yeah, we know: you didn't know, blah, blah, blah.  You're shocked every time you get caught, blah, blah blah.

Christine O'Donnell's Tax Records Improperly Accessed

Former Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell’s personal federal income tax information was improperly accessed by an individual at the IRS, according to The Washington Times.

Dennis Martel, a criminal investigator for the Treasury Department’s inspector general for tax administration, told the Delaware Republican that an official in the state government had improperly accessed her records on March 9, 2010, the day the tea party favorite announced her candidacy in the Republican primary against GOP mainstay Michael Castle.

Also on that day a tax lien was placed on a house purported to be hers, an issue made public in the media, even though she no longer owned it. The IRS eventually blamed the lien on a computer glitch and withdrew it.
More Here: Newsmax

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Waffle House Summer

The Guardian: 

Barack Obama: the voice of expediency

[...] None of this is easy – as the White House and Mr Obama constantly remind us whenever they are questioned about their interminable non-decision decisions – but let’s be clear that Mr Obama’s brand of ultra-pragmatism in foreign affairs comes with a fundamental long-term cost.
For much of today, the State Department briefing sounded like those I used to attend at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as the spokesperson stuck defiantly to the script, affecting not to see, or simply to ignore, what everyone else in the room could see: namely the truth.
Read More: