Saturday, July 20, 2013

More Appeasement of Dictatorships

The Obama administration scuttles missile defense treaties with emerging, principled democratic republics like Poland and Czechoslovakia, but truckle to sit down with third world, oppressive, dictatorships that illegally arm our enemies.  Makes a hell of a lot of sense to me!

Ros-Lehtinen: No Time for 'Niceties' With Cuba After Weapons Discovery (Newsmax)

Cuba should be sanctioned for the recent discovery of weapons on a freighter bound for North Korea — not rewarded with resumed migration talks with the Obama administration, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen tells Newsmax TV.

"This is unbelievable that the very week it is uncovered that Cuba is violating a U.N. Security Council resolution, what does the United States do?” the Florida Republican asks Newsmax in an exclusive interview. "They reward the Castro regime by sitting down and talking about migration talks — and, in fact, they congratulate the Cuban regime for safe and orderly migration. This is unbelievable.
"Out of this case with the North Korean ship, the Obama administration might be congratulating the Cuban regime for a safe and orderly passage of transportation of arms to North Korea. Who knows? They're looking to reward the Castro regime for anything.

"This is not the time for normal niceties," Ros-Lehtinen adds. "This is a time to get tough on our enemies. These guys are state sponsors of terrorism, and North Korea should be put back on that list of state sponsors of terrorism." [....]

"If they thought that these were obsolete small arms, which is still a fabrication, why did they hide them under tons of sugar?" she adds. "They were hiding the cargo. These are enlisted arms. They're not obsolete and they were violating sanctions."

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