Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting for."


Louisiana Walmart To Pay For Food Stamp Rampage 

A Wal Mart in Louisiana had its shelves cleared of food during an EBT outage that occurred this weekend.  According to local news station KSLA News 12, the Wal Mart handled the outage by accepting the EBT cards, also known as Food Stamps, without limits.  Once word spread that Wal Mart was accepting the EBT cards without a limit, Food Stamp recipients filled their carts and emptied the store's shelves. 
However, once the EBT system came back online and balances could be confirmed, shoppers abandoned filled shopping carts in the store.
But taxpayers will only be on the hook for $50 per EBT card, according to the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
More: http://government.brevardtimes.com/2013/10/chaos-at-louisiana-walmart-during-food.html?m=1

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