Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dems: 2.4% Cut to Future Spending Means Apocalypse (Breitbart)

One has to question the seriousness of any pledge to get the debt in this country under control when a mere 2.4% cut to projected spending (i.e. even with this cut, we will still be spending more than last year, for which we have incurred a 1.33 trillion dollar deficit) is demagogued as the End of Days....  We are in a lot of trouble, not due to the sequester, but due to failed leadership.

This weekend, President Obama deployed his entire team of lackeys to detail the parade of horribles that will supposedly inevitably follow the implementation of the sequester on March 1. The sequester, a package of $1.2 trillion in cuts to future spending, was originally President Obama’s idea. But now, in an attempt to leverage Americans into accepting still-higher taxes, Obama says that should the sequester hit, the world as we know it will fall into darkness.[...]
Sure, the top taxpayers just got smacked on January 1 with a dramatic tax increase. And sure, the American people got smacked, too. But it’s Republicans who are extreme, because they’re not willing to sacrifice the entire economy to President Obama’s myopic focus on class warfare.
More here at Breitbart:

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