Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Jailbirds fly free in Iraq (Oct 22, 2002)

Blast from the past: when the dictator feels insecure, he makes EVERYBODY feel insecure, by performing stunts like releasing all the prisoners from jail -- in doing so, he hopes to inspire in the general public the wisdom that they need to cede him total power in order to have security. 

Jailbirds fly free in Iraq (Oct 22, 2002)

Tens of thousands of Iraqi prisoners were released from custody this week by the regime of Saddam Hussein http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/1022/p07s01-wome.html


And in today's news:


Illegal Immigrants Released from Prison Ahead of Sequester
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Monday, “We're doing our very best to minimize the impacts of sequester but there's only so much that I can do." Napolitano added, “You know, I'm supposed to have 34,000 detention beds for immigration.

I guess the President felt the American people were calling his bluff on the Mayan Apocalypse prophecies he foretold would come in the wake of the mere 2.4 percent spending cuts that would come off this year's projecctions (even with these cuts, this year's out-of-control spending will exceed last's).  Obama doesn't have any intention at all of cutting spending and seems to be determined to drive this country to economic ruin.


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