Saturday, April 27, 2013

Proposed Immigration Bill Not Good for America; Why is Rubio Supporting?

According to NumbersUSA, the immigration bill being floated by the "Gang of Eight" will add over 30 million new members to the Democratic Party.  Wait: I meant the current bill is estimated to attract over 30 million illegal aliens to America where they will be legalized and provided a pathway to citizenship.

Now, I understand why the Democratic Party is salivating at the thought of enslaving millions of additional Americans to welfare rolls.  They know this immigration bill will finish off the GOP (which is doing a very good job of that without the help of this bill, but I digress) by adding millions of new democratic voters.

Why is Sen. Marco Rubio supporting this bill?

He is doing his best to explain why this is good for America but it's just not working out and I am beginning to wonder if he is the TEA Party's Manchurian candidate.  I hope not but I just don't get it.  As the saying goes, one can dress up a turd sandwich, but in the end, it is still a turd sandwich. That is what this bill is--a gigantic, terrible turd sandwich and I wonder where's the outrage?

Is this a misguided attempt to show that the TEA Party loves immigrants?  I know I do, but not the ones who come here illegally with nothing to add to the country.  Many are totally illiterate, not even understanding how to write in Spanish, much less English and most have no marketable skills, aside from manual labor.  We are in a very troubled time, both socially and economically. What does America have to gain from this illegal invasion/influx?

There are currently over 11 Million Americans unemployed (this does not account for those who have given up looking), one in five who are on food stamps, and the GDP at 1.8%.  And, oh by the way, Boston was just bombed by two Islamic Fascists who were on welfare.  Also the Mexican government is demanding the Obama Administration financially assist Mexican illegals in the United States.  Meanwhile, the White House is closed to public tours, FAA has laid off air traffic controllers and the Department of Defense furloughs civilian employees...but the White House parties on by hosting tributes to Motown.

If I were Barrack Hussein Obama, I would party too. If this bill becomes law, he will have a one party government devoted to advancing Statism and this will ruin the USA.

Rubio is smart and for the most part, I like his politics.  However, I do not like this bill and I wonder why he supports it.

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