Sunday, April 7, 2013

Undernews of the week: TPS extension for immigrants from Honduras and Nicaragua

Really demonstrates how serious the Democrats are on telling you the truth on immigration.  Need a job??? -- the potential for votes from illegal immigrants or their voting blocs matter more than you or your family having a job.  Maybe you will get enough of a handout from the administration that "cares" to keep you at the poverty line and desperate to secure your next meal in exchange for your party loyalty.  Hope and Change, sucker!

My candidate for undercovered news story of the week: the extension of TPS for immigrants potentially subject to deportation to Honduras or Nicaragua.

What's TPS? Unheard of in many communities, it stands for Temporary Protected Status and is well known in places with substantial populations of immigrants from Central America [...].

The provision allows the federal government to defer deportations, nominally temporarily, to countries where a problem such as natural disaster or unrest could put added stress on a country or make it unsafe for those abroad to return. Perhaps more importantly than halting deportations, it allows immigrants in the U.S. illegally from those countries to receive authorization to work here.

On Wednesday, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced that she was extending the legal status of immigrants from Honduras and Nicaragua for another 18 months. The action was purportedly taken to allow the countries more time to recover from a hurricane. If you're having trouble remembering a huge hurricane that hit the region recently, it's not you. The disaster which led to the deportation halt, Hurricane Mitch, took place in the fall of 1998—more than 14 years ago.
More Here: Politico

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