Sunday, April 28, 2013

‘Confusing Terrorists with Their Victims’: Kerry Slammed for Comparing Families of Gaza Flotilla Incident with Boston Bombing Families

"Ghengis John" Kerry at it again.  Actually, I don't think Kerry confuses terrorists with their victims, any more than he was confused when he told students at an elite university,  five years into a war following 9/11, to study hard so they don't "get stuck in the war in Iraq." (  (Many of us fighting there, at the time of this treasonous statement, felt priviliged to be serving our country forward, and did not need advice from this fat-headed poseur-simpleton on how to avoid the war).  Kerry is a self-infatuated moron and coward.

[...] Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon was quick to slam Kerry over his word choice. “It is never helpful when a moral equivalency is made confusing terrorists with their victims,” Danon told The Times of Israel on Monday.
“As our American friends were made all too aware once again last week, the only way to deal with the evils of terrorism it to wage an unrelenting war against its perpetrators wherever they may be,” added Danon, who is a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party.
Pundits expressed shock that Kerry would equate terrorists with innocent victims, including the slain eight-year-old Martin Richard.
At a press conference in Istanbul on Sunday, Kerry commented on efforts to bridge relations between Israel and Turkey. That’s when he made the controversial comments. According to the official State Department transcript, he said:
I think Turkey is working in very good faith to get there. I know it’s an emotional issue with some people. I particularly say to the families of people who were lost in the incident we understand these tragedies completely and we sympathize with them. And nobody – I mean, I have just been through the week of Boston and I have deep feelings for what happens when you have violence and something happens and you lose people that are near and dear to you. It affects a community, it affects a country. We’re very sensitive to that.
But going forward, we have to find the best way to bring people together to reduce tensions and undo the stereotypes that divide people and try to make peace.
Middle East expert Barry Rubin, Director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center, tells TheBlaze, “To call Kerry’s statement incredibly ignorant, insulting to Israel, and counterproductive is an understatement. Those killed on the Mavi Marmara were terrorists, aiding a group (Hamas) like those who committed the Boston atrocity.”
“Now he labels Israel as terrorist for defending itself from terrorists. Kerry’s statement gave the Turks justification for not conciliating. Would Americans accept an apology from those who staged the Boston attack? Of course not,” Rubin added.
Israel National News calls Kerry’s words “a jarring comparison.”
The blog Israel Matzav writes: “Just when you thought you’d heard it all from the Obama administration…”

The blog’s author, “Carl in Jerusalem,” is a Boston native. He’s calling on his fellow Bostonians and the Israeli government to respond. Of Kerry’s comments, he writes sarcastically:
Right…. Because 8-year old blockade runner Martin Richard (pictured) attacked soldiers with hunting knives and attempted to throw them overboard into the sea….
The Israeli government at the highest levels (Netanyahu and Steinitz, who is effectively acting Foreign Minister) needs to call Kerry on this. That comparison cannot be allowed to pass.
For that matter, the people of Boston should call him on it as well.
Among the nine killed aboard the Mavi Marmara were members of the IHH. The Turkish organization calls itself a humanitarian group, but has been accused of involvement in terrorist activities, including by European lawmakers who are pushing to add it to the European Union’s list of terrorist entities.

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