Saturday, May 11, 2013

IRS knew of Tea Party profiling in 2011, report shows

This is getting more and more outrageous -- apparently, groups were given "enhanced scrutiny" and their applications sent to a team of investigators if they were "critical of how the country was being run," or "the group's stated issues included government spending, government debt or taxes."  If you can't read between the lines here, expressing criticism of the adminstration subjected you to investigation.  This is getting ridiculous.  Of course, the President will again say, "I didn't know.  I can't control this; I'm only the President of the United States."  I didn't know Jeremiah Wright; I didn't know Bill Ayers, etc etc etc.  Clueless and incompetent or criminal -- both of them disqualify you for the job.

The briefing paper showed that the IRS was subjecting certain groups to further investigation based on politically loaded terms in the tax-exempt application file. Groups were singled out for enhanced scrutiny if:
• The words "tea party," "patriots," or "9/12 project" appeared anywhere in the group name or case file;
• The group's stated issues included government spending, government debt or taxes;
• The organization had a goal of educating of the public via advocacy or lobbying to "make America a better place to live;"
• Any statements in the case file critical of how the country is being run.

Full article here: USA Today

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