Monday, May 6, 2013

Whistleblower on White House Benghazi Lies: My Jaw Hit the Floor

May 06, 2013
Over the weekend, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa announced the names of Benghazi whistleblowers who will testify Wednesday about the deadly 9/11 terrorist attack before a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill. As a reminder, the White House told the country the attack in Benghazi, which left four Americans dead including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, was simply a protest that spun out of control. According to whistleblower and State Department veteran Gregory Hicks, who will testify Wednesday, his "jaw hit the floor" when he heard this explanation being used by UN Ambassador Susan Rice on multiple Sunday news shows, the White House and the State Department after the attack. Hicks has told congressional investigators that everyone at the State Department knew this was a terrorist attack from the very beginning yet the State Department, with White House approval, repeatedly changed talking points to avoid classifying it as a terrorist attack for the American people. Further, Hicks said he never reported a demonstration but that he reported an attack. Not to mention, the White House and State Department threw the President of Libya under the bus with their excuses and lies in the process.

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