Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hope in Chains II

Zimmerman Trial Transcript — Eyewitness Good: Black guy in black hoodie on top punching down Mixed Martial Arts style

The longer this trial goes on, the more it looks like an innocent man was put on trial to appease a mob's lusting for a lynching.  As the prosecution ushers out their second "star" witness, he reaffirms the statement he originally gave police that what he saw was Martin on the ground over Zimmerman, beating him MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) style, while Zimmerman was yelling for help.  Mind you, these are the PROSECUTION's witnesses....  If this continues, the judge has to throw this out before the defense even begins.

Jonathan Good, State witness, Florida v. Zimmerman
Indeed, as has become the pattern in this trial, the longer the State’s witness was in the stand, the more damage he did to the State’s theory of the case. The continually growing climax was realized at the very end of the testimony, when O’Mara held a copy of Good’s initial statement to then-lead Investigator Chris Serino (a transcript of is provided below):

O’Mara: Just to clarify what was actually talked about with Chris Serino, Investigator Serino, during this, we’re going to call it for the moment the Ground-and-Pound conversation. We have a rule called completeness, so what I want to do is put it in context for you, ask you if this is what you said to Chris Serino. OK?
“Yeah I pretty much heard somebody yelling outside. I wasn’t sure if it was, you know, a fight or something going wrong. So I opened my blinds and I see kind of like a person out there. I didn’t know if it was a dog attack or something. So I open my door. It was a black man with a black hoodie on top of the other, either a white guy or now I found out I think it was a Hispanic guy with a red sweatshirt on the ground yelling out help! And I tried to tell them, get out of here, you know, stop or whatever, and then one guy on top in the black hoodie was pretty much just throwing down blows on the guy kind of MMA-style.”
Is that the context in which that happened?
Good: Yes.
O’Mara: And then Investigator Serino said, a word that I have, and the transcripts may differ, ground, couldn’t figure it, maybe he said Ground-and-Pound, and then you said:
“Yeah, like a Ground-and-Pound on the concrete at this point, so at this point I told him I’m calling 911.”

Syria: Rebels Behead Two Civilians in Khan Al Assal, Aleppo

Jawa Report

Syria: Rebels Behead Two Civilians in Khan Al Assal, Aleppo

Fucking Bronco Bamma's freedom fighters.

If he had any sense he'd order a damned BLU-96 Fuel-Air Explosive Bomb be dropped into the middle of that crowd.
Jawa Report:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Word from the Founding Fathers

Hoax and Change 2: Tilting at Windmills

Barack Obama cancelled the US government-promised missile defense treaties with Poland and Czechoslovakia in 2009 in order to appease Russia and set the conditions for his hilariously-failed 'reset'. (Of course, this was not the first time Poland and Czechoslovakia were sold out by the West to appease a tyrant for 'peace'...).  He was caught, unawares, on open microphone telling Russian President Medvedev in 2012, "After my reelection. I'll have more flexibility [i.e. to appease Russia even more without being thrown out of the White House by a bipartisan majority]"  Here's what Barack Obama delivers. Windmills. Windmills.  

Putin rules out handing Snowden over to United States

MOSCOW/NAANTALI, Finland (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin confirmed on Tuesday a former U.S. spy agency contractor sought by the United States was in the transit area of a Moscow airport but ruled out handing him to Washington, dismissing U.S. criticisms as "ravings and rubbish".[....]
Republican critics of the president said the Snowden furor was a sign of Obama's weakness and declining international stature, and Russia was taking advantage of the United States.
"They know that he's weak. They know that he's so fearful about getting involved in balance-of-power foreign affairs and they're playing on it, and they're enjoying it very, very much," said Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah.

Hoax and Change!

As the President plots to further sink the economy today, by proposing stifling unilateral charges on carbon emissions in the United States, which will kill the US coal industry, in favor of switching to "green" technologies which will not exist in any practicable form for another twenty years,  new study puts further doubt on the whole carbon conspiracy theory. Not lost on anyone that the President will give his "green speech", amidst multiple scandals in his administration, to an elite Ivy League crowd while he kills jobs in the coal industry.  

Report: CO2 not responsible for global warming

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) — not carbon emissions — are the real culprit behind global warming, claims a  new study out of the University of Waterloo.

“Conventional thinking says that the emission of human-made non-CFC gases such as carbon dioxide has mainly contributed to global warming. But we have observed data going back to the Industrial Revolution that convincingly shows that conventional understanding is wrong,” said Qing-Bin Lu, a science professor at the University of Waterloo and author of the study.

“In fact, the data shows that CFCs conspiring with cosmic rays caused both the polar ozone hole and global warming,” Lu said.

Lu’s findings were published in the International Journal of Modern Physics B and analyzed data from 1850 to the present.

Lu’s study runs counter to the long-standing argument that carbon dioxide emissions were the driving force behind global warming. Recently scientists warnedthat carbon concentrations were nearing the 400 parts per million level. Scientists say that carbon dioxide levels must be lowered to 350 ppm to avoid the severe impacts of global warming.

More Here: report-co2-not-responsible-for-global-warming/?print=1

Ingratitude of Peasants

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Con Artist

Smoke and Change

Afghan parliament upholds right to marry children

Would it really have been worse if we had given them a dictat on what standards their government would uphold?  And, if so, for whom?

Washington Times (Cheryl K. Chumley)
Afghanistan's parliament has rejected a measure that would have barred men from marrying girls younger than 16, saying the proposal ran counter to Islamic ideology.
The measure also would have banned “baad, [the] traditional practice of buying or selling women to settle disputes,” and outlawed criminal charges being imposed on rape victims, Breitbart reported. Rape victims in Afghanistan often are charged with fornication or adultery.
President Hamid Karzai reportedly supported the measures, but opponents said they “violate[d] Islamic principles,” Breitbart reported.
The failure of parliament to act in accordance with Mr. Karzai highlights a deep rift among the nation’s politicians. And it comes at a time when elections are set for April 2014 for a new president.
There is “a rift between conservative and more secular members of the community,” Sky News reported.

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Voters at the Polling Booth in Today's Iranian Presidential Election

If only the US President had the guts to be on the right side in Iran. 

President Gas

Wars of Choice

Syrian Rebels Execute a 14 Year Old Boy for Insulting Islam (Washington Post - Max Fisher)

When a 14-year-old boy from the Syrian city of Aleppo named Mohammad Qatta was asked to bring one of his customers some coffee, he reportedly refused, saying, “Even if [Prophet] Mohammed comes back to life, I won’t.”

According to a story reported by two grassroots Syrian opposition groups, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the Aleppo Media Center, Qatta’s words got him killed. A group of Islamist rebels, driving by in a black car, reportedly heard the exchange. They stopped the car, grabbed the boy and took him away.

Qatta, in refusing to serve a customer coffee – it’s not clear why – had used a phrase that the Islamist rebels took as an insult toward the Prophet Mohammed, the most important figure in Islam. That offhand comment, made by a boy, was apparently enough for these rebels to warrant a grisly execution and public warning.

The rebels, according to ABC News’ reconstruction of the Syrian groups’ reports, appear to have whipped Qatta. When they brought him back to where they’d taken him, his head was wrapped by a shirt.

The rebels waited for a crowd to gather; Qatta’s parents were among them. Speaking in classical Arabic, they announced that Qatta had committed blasphemy and that anyone else who dared insult the Prophet Mohammed would share his fate. Then, the shirt still wrapped around the boy’s head, the rebels shot him in the mouth and neck.

Full Story:

A Sense of Destiny!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Liar in Chief Still Believes Americans Gullible to His Doublespeak

Why can Obama never tell the truth, not even to his supporters?

In his weekly address, President Barack Obama claimed the Senate “Gang of Eight” immigration bill would require illegal immigrants to learn English to earn their citizenship.
"This bill would provide a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million individuals who are already in this country illegally--a pathway that includes passing a background check, learning English, paying taxes and a penalty, and then going to the back of the line behind everyone who's playing by the rules and trying to come here legally,” Obama said.
While that claim would quell a lot of criticism of the bill if it were true, it simply is not accurate
Only when illegal immigrants apply for their “legal permanent resident” status, or green card, would they be required to demonstrate their ability to speak English or prove that they are currently enrolled in a course “to achieve an understanding of English and knowledge and understanding” of civics.
The requirement that immigrants must learn English is not new to this legislation, either. It is already part of a requirement in existing law, section 312 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. In fact, the immigration bill weakens the current law by allowing illegal immigrants to simply claim they are enrolled in a course to learn English rather than actually requiring them to know it
Obama’s claim that illegal immigrants would have to go “to the back of the line behind everyone who's playing by the rules and trying to come here legally” is a stretch at best as well. First off, millions of illegal immigrants--both those who are described as DREAMers and agriculture workers--would have access to green cards and citizenship within just five years of the bill’s passage.
The bill’s passage would also immediately legalize all illegal immigrants in the country, allowing them to work and have access to state and local welfare benefit, along with all the other benefits conferred on those in the United States legally. Meanwhile, those who have followed the rules must wait, as per usual, in their home countries for their applications to be processed
More Here:

Friday, June 7, 2013


NSA's Verizon surveillance: how the White House tramples our constitution

Rand Paul

In December 2007, then-Senator Barack Obama joined then-Senator Chris Dodd in threatening to filibuster the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (Fisa). Senator Obama opposed provisions granting retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that shared private client information with the government.His office released a statement:

"Granting such immunity undermines the constitutional protections Americans trust the Congress to protect. Senator Obama supports a filibuster of this bill …"

Senator Obama was right. Had I been in the Senate, I would've voted with him. I've even filibustered myself over civil liberties issues I believe are important.

Later, supporting an amendment that he believed repealed retroactive immunity from Fisa, Senator Obama said in February 2008:

"We can give our intelligence and law enforcement community the powers they need to track down and take out terrorists without undermining our commitment to the rule of law, or our basic rights and liberties."

Senator Obama in 2007 was rightly concerned that telecommunications companies might get away with sharing clients' private information without legal scrutiny. This week, we learned that the president's National Security Agency compelled Verizonto hand over all of its client data records.

Senator Obama in 2008 wanted to track potential terrorist activity "without undermining our commitment to the rule of law, or our basic rights and liberties". Today, President Obama undermines the rule of law, basic rights and core liberties – all in the name of tracking terrorists.

There is always a balance between security and liberty and the American tradition has long been to err on the side of liberty. America's founders feared a government powerful enough to commit unreasonable searches and seizures and crafted a constitution designed to protect citizens' privacy.

Under this administration, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has targeted political dissidents, the Department of Justice has seized reporters' phone records, and now we've learned the NSA seized an unlimited amount of Verizon's client data. Just when you think it can't get any worse under this president, it does. This is an all-out assault on the constitution. These actions are unacceptable under any president, Democrat or Republican.

More Here: