Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hoax and Change 2: Tilting at Windmills

Barack Obama cancelled the US government-promised missile defense treaties with Poland and Czechoslovakia in 2009 in order to appease Russia and set the conditions for his hilariously-failed 'reset'. (Of course, this was not the first time Poland and Czechoslovakia were sold out by the West to appease a tyrant for 'peace'...).  He was caught, unawares, on open microphone telling Russian President Medvedev in 2012, "After my reelection. I'll have more flexibility [i.e. to appease Russia even more without being thrown out of the White House by a bipartisan majority]"  Here's what Barack Obama delivers. Windmills. Windmills.  

Putin rules out handing Snowden over to United States

MOSCOW/NAANTALI, Finland (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin confirmed on Tuesday a former U.S. spy agency contractor sought by the United States was in the transit area of a Moscow airport but ruled out handing him to Washington, dismissing U.S. criticisms as "ravings and rubbish".[....]
Republican critics of the president said the Snowden furor was a sign of Obama's weakness and declining international stature, and Russia was taking advantage of the United States.
"They know that he's weak. They know that he's so fearful about getting involved in balance-of-power foreign affairs and they're playing on it, and they're enjoying it very, very much," said Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah.
More: http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE95M02H20130625?irpc=932

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