Sunday, June 30, 2013

Zimmerman Trial Transcript — Eyewitness Good: Black guy in black hoodie on top punching down Mixed Martial Arts style

The longer this trial goes on, the more it looks like an innocent man was put on trial to appease a mob's lusting for a lynching.  As the prosecution ushers out their second "star" witness, he reaffirms the statement he originally gave police that what he saw was Martin on the ground over Zimmerman, beating him MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) style, while Zimmerman was yelling for help.  Mind you, these are the PROSECUTION's witnesses....  If this continues, the judge has to throw this out before the defense even begins.

Jonathan Good, State witness, Florida v. Zimmerman
Indeed, as has become the pattern in this trial, the longer the State’s witness was in the stand, the more damage he did to the State’s theory of the case. The continually growing climax was realized at the very end of the testimony, when O’Mara held a copy of Good’s initial statement to then-lead Investigator Chris Serino (a transcript of is provided below):

O’Mara: Just to clarify what was actually talked about with Chris Serino, Investigator Serino, during this, we’re going to call it for the moment the Ground-and-Pound conversation. We have a rule called completeness, so what I want to do is put it in context for you, ask you if this is what you said to Chris Serino. OK?
“Yeah I pretty much heard somebody yelling outside. I wasn’t sure if it was, you know, a fight or something going wrong. So I opened my blinds and I see kind of like a person out there. I didn’t know if it was a dog attack or something. So I open my door. It was a black man with a black hoodie on top of the other, either a white guy or now I found out I think it was a Hispanic guy with a red sweatshirt on the ground yelling out help! And I tried to tell them, get out of here, you know, stop or whatever, and then one guy on top in the black hoodie was pretty much just throwing down blows on the guy kind of MMA-style.”
Is that the context in which that happened?
Good: Yes.
O’Mara: And then Investigator Serino said, a word that I have, and the transcripts may differ, ground, couldn’t figure it, maybe he said Ground-and-Pound, and then you said:
“Yeah, like a Ground-and-Pound on the concrete at this point, so at this point I told him I’m calling 911.”

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