Friday, June 14, 2013

Afghan parliament upholds right to marry children

Would it really have been worse if we had given them a dictat on what standards their government would uphold?  And, if so, for whom?

Washington Times (Cheryl K. Chumley)
Afghanistan's parliament has rejected a measure that would have barred men from marrying girls younger than 16, saying the proposal ran counter to Islamic ideology.
The measure also would have banned “baad, [the] traditional practice of buying or selling women to settle disputes,” and outlawed criminal charges being imposed on rape victims, Breitbart reported. Rape victims in Afghanistan often are charged with fornication or adultery.
President Hamid Karzai reportedly supported the measures, but opponents said they “violate[d] Islamic principles,” Breitbart reported.
The failure of parliament to act in accordance with Mr. Karzai highlights a deep rift among the nation’s politicians. And it comes at a time when elections are set for April 2014 for a new president.
There is “a rift between conservative and more secular members of the community,” Sky News reported.

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