Saturday, March 30, 2013

Value of the Economic Middleman

Thomas Sowell on the role of economic middlemen:"[...] middleman activities have usually not been seen as producing wealth, but only as appropriating pre-existing wealth, since the middleman does not visibly create a material thing. Neither does anyone else create or destroy matter, except for a few nuclear physicists. Turning iron ore into steel products is not creating a material thing but only changing its form to something that people want more.That is precisely what middlemen do[....]. ". From: Black Rednecks and White Liberals

Thomas Sowell: Can It Happen Here?

The economic repercussions of having people feel that their money is not safe in banks can be catastrophic. Banks are not just warehouses where money can be stored. They are crucial institutions for gathering individually modest amounts of money from millions of people and transferring that money to strangers whom those people would not directly entrust it to.

Multi-billion dollar corporations, whose economies of scale can bring down the prices of goods and services — thereby raising our standard of living — are seldom financed by a few billionaires.

Far more often they are financed by millions of people, who have neither the specific knowledge nor the economic expertise to risk their savings by investing directly in those enterprises. Banks are crucial intermediaries, which provide the financial expertise without which these transfers of money are too risky.

There are poor nations with rich natural resources, which are not developed because they lack either the sophisticated financial institutions necessary to make these key transfers of money or because their legal or political systems are too unreliable for people to put their money into these financial intermediaries.

Whether in Cyprus or in other countries, politicians tend to think in short run terms, if only because elections are held in the short run. Therefore, there is always a temptation to do reckless and short-sighted things to get over some current problem, even if that creates far worse problems in the long run.

Seizing money that people put in the bank would be a classic example of such short-sighted policies.
Read More: Thomas Sowell

Welcome to Greece!

Democracy vs Liberty

New York is the Nanny State with the Least Freedoms: National Study (NY Post)

New York’s big government — with its hands deep in taxpayers’ pockets and regulations controlling everyone’s lives — has made the Empire State the worst in the nation for personal liberty, a new study shows. 
A war on sugary drinks is the least of freedom-loving New Yorkers’ worries, according a report by George Mason University, which rated the state No. 50 for the level of freedom its residents enjoy.
The university found New York’s government slams citizens from every angle — from huge taxes to tight controls on business to myriad rules on all kinds of fun.
“New York has, by a wide margin, the highest taxes in the country,” the report found.
The study cited New York state’s 14 percent income tax, well above the national average.
New York is also the most indebted state, with 33 percent of income dedicated to borrowing in fiscal year 2010, the report said. [...]
The Empire State ranked poorly for its heavy-handed economic regulations. For example, the report flunked New York’s rent-control laws, claiming it dampened economic development.
Labor rules that include forcing government workers to pay union dues were also cited as a drag on the state.
The study also found that New York has extensive health-insurance rules that inflate costs.
More Here: NY Post

Planned Parenthood's Abortion

Whatever side of the fence you sit on on the abortion issue, I think 99% of us can agree, this woman's testimony is... an abortion!  What a savage idiot!  And this is who Planned Parenthood sends to represent their organization before Congress.?  I would not send this woman to the store with sixy cents for a grape Nehi -- seriously.

Crazy Hillary: Lest We Forget

Laws not Men

White House Scrubs First Daughters Ski Trip Report (Breitbart)

A local news affiliate in Idaho reported that the First Daughters, Sasha and Malia Obama, are on a Spring Break ski trip in Sun Valley, Idaho. The story quickly spread across the Internet when picked up by the highly trafficked Drudge Report website.
But hours later, the story disappeared from the KMVT website without an update or correction. Breitbart News confirmed that the White House requested that the post be removed.
In March of last year, the White House requested media outlets remove accurate reports that Malia Obama was on a trip in Mexico with over two dozen Secret Service agents.
The First Family has been criticized in recent days for taking frequent vacations. Earlier this week, Breitbart News broke the story that the Obama daughters spent part of Spring Break at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Michelle Obama and the First Daughters took a separate ski trip last month to Aspen, Colorado.

While each of these trips require a significant Secret Service presence, the White House canceled public tours this month citing Secret Service staffing costs.

More Here:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bill Maher's Epiphany on California Taxes

To the list of liberals who vote for higher taxes -- and then proceed to complain about them -- add comedian Bill Maher.

Incredibly, the caustic, left-wing Maher recently warned, "ln California, I just want to say: Liberals -- you could actually lose me." As a resident of California, a state with high income taxes, Maher complained that his taxes are "over 50 percent." What's more, Maher made a point seldom heard except on Fox News or by a rich Parisian. Maher said, "Rich people ... actually do pay the freight in this country ... like 70 percent" of the taxes. (Presumably, Maher meant that the top 10 percent of taxpayers pay about 70.5 percent of the federal income taxes.)

Holy Grover Norquist! Was it an epiphany or merely the latest example of liberal hypocrisy?

Maher, just two years ago, painted this picture of the filthy, clueless, racist, sexist, homophobic, selfish, greedy rich:

"America's rich aren't giving you money. They are taking your money. Between the years 1980 and 2005, 80 percent of all new income generated in this country went to the richest 1 percent. Let me put that in terms that even you fat-ass tea-baggers, sorry, can understand. Say 100 Americans get together and order a 100-slice pizza. The pizza arrives, they open the box, and the first guy takes 80 slices. And if someone suggests, 'Why don't you just take 79 slices?' -- that's socialism! ...

"We have this fantasy that our interests and the interests of the super-rich are the same, like somehow the rich will eventually get so full that they'll explode, and the candy will rain down on the rest of us, like they're some kind of pinata of benevolence. But here's the thing about a pinata -- it doesn't open on its own; you have to beat it with a stick."

But -- now -- Maher complains.

More here:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Idiots Abroad: Diplomatic Buffoonery of the Obama Administration

British Telegraph's Nile Gardiner speaking of  outrage following President Obama allowing himself to give a speech standing before a backdrop of deceased terrorist leader, Yassir Arafat...:

It is simply astonishing that the leader of the free world would agree to speak against a backdrop of a murderous terrorist with American and Israeli blood on his hands. What kind of message does this send to America’s enemies when the president of the United States gives a press conference standing in front of a banner celebrating one of the most brutal terrorists in history? It projects a clear signal that Washington is weak in the face of terrorism, and it is an insult to the memory of those who died at the hands of Arafat’s terror network.

While the Obama White House prides itself on having an extremely slick campaign operation, its ineptness and insensitivity in government, not least on the world stage, can be staggering. President Obama, for example, could not even pronounce the name of Burmese freedom fighter Aung San Suu Kyi on his recent visit to Rangoon, referring to her several times as Aung YAN Suu Kyi. He also famously called the Falkland Islands "the Maldives", and succeeded in offending the whole of Poland when he referred to a "Polish death camp" in World War Two. As I’ve noted in previous pieces, President Obama’s first term was littered with embarrassing gaffes abroad, and it looks like his second term will be more of the same. This is in many respects an amateurish presidency, headed by a president who is frequently out of his depth on the world stage, and all too willing to appease America’s adversaries.
Full Story at The Telegraph

I, personally, found Obama's excessive bowing in Asia nauseating, as well as bufoonish.  I was astounded that, if he was choosing to try to bow, no one on his vast protocol team would have the knowledge to advise him on how to do so without looking like a complete idiot.  Here's a online handbook for bowing in Korea I found on Google in ten seconds (with relevant excerpts)

Respectful 30º ~ 45º Bow: The most common, this is the standard bow. It follows all the general guidelines listed above. It is used to greet almost anybody; seniors and even juniors. You really can’t go wrong. 

Belly Button Bow: The “belly-button” or navel bow (배꼽인사) is the formal respectful bow that is mostly used by women in uniform, especially flight attendants and salespeople. The term comes from the fact that the hands are clasped together at the navel position when bowing. The degree of bowing depends on the occasion but the 45º is the most common
Belly Button Bow

The 90 Degree Bow: This bow is literally called the “90 degree bow” (90도 인사) in Korean because it is. It’s a form of utter respect, an intentional showing of service and obedience. Despite its good intent, it is highly parodied in comedy skits involving gangsters and overzealous company employees trying to please their seniors. It is also used in occasions for deep apologies. [My bolding]
putinpic.jpgOkay, so here's the deal with Barack Obama.  You decide whether his bow is more appropriate for "a woman in uniform, a flight attendant or a sales person" or someone intentionally displaying abject servility, like a gangster in a comic skit or an overzealous company employee.  I think it's pretty obviously the latter, but, make your own call.  Notice that neither Emporer Akihito nor his wife are bowing in this photo. 
Fox reported this at the time:
ABC's Jake Tapper reports that at least one Japanese newspaper is not printing the picture of the president's mortifying bow because the Japanese are embarrassed by his behavior. A scholar of traditional Japan tells Mr. Tapper, "The bow… did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms… The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak-looking American president."
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

George Carlin: Arrogance of Mankind

Panic in Detroit

Detroit Manager to Listen, Then Assess Prioirities
Corey Williams/AP
DETROIT (AP) — A bankruptcy lawyer and turnaround expert tasked with reviving Detroit's beleaguered finances could be greeted by a crowd of protesters as he arrives at work Monday, then plans to spend his first day meeting with some city officials who for months fought against creating his job at all.
Kevyn Orr is under no illusions that he'll be treated as a hero when he begins his duties as the Motor City's emergency manager, an appointment that makes Detroit the nation's largest city ever put under state control. But while there are plenty of sacrifices — including Orr's resignation from a powerful law firm where he was a partner — Orr says he is motivated by the opportunity to engineer one of the greatest fiscal turnarounds in U.S. history.
"I'm a worker bee. I'm not a honey bee," Orr, 54, told The Associated Press in an interview. "My set-in-stone plan is to get to the office ... and start meeting folks."
A review team spent two months scrutinizing Detroit's books and reported to Gov. Rick Snyder that the city was in a financial emergency, citing its long-term debt of more than $14 billion and $327 million budget deficit.
More: Seattle PI

I find it amusing that the first resort of many voters and politicians in Detroit to address an abysmal city debt and deficit into which they’ve spent themselves is to crowd into the streets and protest – of course, this has been the example set by our President in Washington.  Time is running out for Detroit.  Inattention to a massive debt with interests payments and more spending with a  327 million municipal deficit (be it “stimulus” spending or “investment” spending, whatever) is only going to accelerate their downfall.  Obama is good at demagogueing, casting blame on others and dividing communities and setting them against each other, but, unfortunately, he does not have the power to lead,  to build, and, hence cannot harness cause and effect to positive outcomes; and time is happily running out for him, too.  Detroit is going broke; the only way to save it, contrary to Obama's demagogic philosophy, is austerity, not more spending – pouring more money in at this point will only accelerate Detroit's decline (every time the government infuses cash as a "fiscal remedy", it hurts businesses by skewing the natural dynamics of the market place and hurts consumers by causing inflation).  Washington is either going to have to admit that runaway spending and regulation do not work or face the near-term prospect of one city and state after another following Detroit like dominoes.  It’s pathetic the American people allowed our nation to come to this by putting Obama and his like in Washington. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Religion of Peace Wins New Convert

Psycho Batman killer, James Holmes, embraces Islam to come to terms with his insanity.

** FILE ** Prosecutors say James Holmes, seen here in court July 23, 2012, was banned from the University of Colorado. (Associated Press)Washington Times: The man who shot up an Aurora, Colo., movie theater during a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” last summer has reportedly converted to Islam and prays up to five times a day.

A prison source say the beard James Holmes sported in court last months represents his new-found faith. The source said Mr. Holmes has turned Muslim as a way of justifying his horrific crimes on July 20 which left 12 people dead and 58 people wounded, the Daily Mail reports.

“He has brainwashed himself into believing he was on his own personal jihad and that his victims were infidels,” the source told the National Enquirer.

Read more:
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Egyptian Army warns Government of Israel: Obama too Cozy with Muslim Brotherhood

No.  This is not a story from The Onion.

In a new post by "The Tower," founded in January 2013 as a project of The Israel Project, a nonpartisan 501c3 educational organization based in Washington D.C., a recent, low key series of meetings highlight the interesting dynamics currently playing out between the Egyptian Army and Government of Israel:

"According to sources in touch with Egyptian officials, the messages delivered to Israeli counterparts by visiting military intelligence officers made clear that the Egyptian military is deeply concerned both with the increasingly aggressive effort by Hamas terrorists to act against Egypt, both inside the country’s borders and in concert with Iran, as well as with spreading domestic unrest. They are acutely aware of economic pitfalls that lay ahead. The Egyptians also came with a specific request: assistance from Israel in explaining to President Obama and the U.S. administration that the U.S has been too friendly to the Muslim Brotherhood and must pursue a more cautious course with those the Administration may not fully understand. What’s more, Morsi is clearly being told by those in charge of defending Egypt that Hamas is a threat to Egypt’s national security, and that Morsi himself faces a choice been serving Egypt’s interests or those of an ideology."

"Some analysts suggest that further Hamas activity in Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood support for the group, and moves by the Egyptian army to thwart the threat should be read against growing strain between Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood-linked government and Egyptian security forces. The army’s signals indicate they intend to continue to see their role as a stabilizing force loyal to Egypt. The Tower conveyed speculations earlier this week that Morsi’s failure to garner political legitimacy or restore economic stability was impacting his domestic standing. The Egyptian military has begun holding meetings without him present, and military sources have made sure to leak the news of those meetings to Egyptian media."

Wow!  What an awkward position for the Obama Administration:  The Egyptian Army sees itself as a stabilizing role in Egyptian internal affairs and when they decide enough-is-enough and squash Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood troglodytes, who will Obama's White House support?  After all, Secretary of State John Abu Kerryovich just left Egypt after making BFFs of Morsi and his savages, promising more money and top of the line American military hardware.

Has the Obama Administration gotten too cozy with the Muslim Brotherhood?
According to the Egyptian Army they sure have.

The story in its entirety can be read at:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Intellectuals and Race (Part 4)


by Thomas Sowell

[...]Yet the borrowing of particular features from other cultures — such as Arabic numerals that replaced Roman numerals, even in Western cultures that derived from Rome — implies that some features are not simply different but better, including numbers. Some of the most advanced cultures in history have borrowed from other cultures, because no given collection of human beings has created the best answers to all the questions of life.

Nevertheless, since multiculturalists see all cultures as equal or "equally valid," they see no justification for schools to insist that black children learn standard English, for example. Instead, each group is encouraged to cling to its own culture and to take pride in its own past glories, real or imaginary.

In other words, members of minority groups that lag educationally, economically or otherwise are to continue to behave in the future as they have in the past — and, if they do not get the same outcomes as others, it is society's fault. That is the bottom line message of multiculturalism. [...]

Yet intellectuals see themselves as friends, allies and defenders of racial minorities, even as they paint them into a corner of cultural stagnation. This allows the intelligentsia to flatter themselves that they are on the side of the angels against the forces of evil that are conspiring to keep minorities down. [...]

Why people with high levels of mental skills and rhetorical talents would tie themselves into knots with such reasoning is a mystery. Perhaps it is just that they cannot give up a social vision that is so flattering to themselves, despite how detrimental it may be to the people they claim to be helping.

Multiculturalism, like the caste system, paints people into the corner where they happened to have been born. But at least the caste system does not claim to benefit those at the bottom. [...]

The multicultural vision of the world also serves the interests of those in the media, who thrive on moral melodramas. So do whole departments of ethnic "studies" in academia and a whole industry of "diversity" consultants, community organizers and miscellaneous other race hustlers.

The biggest losers in all this are those members of racial minorities who allow themselves to be led into the blind alley of resentment and rage, even when there are broad avenues of opportunity available. And we all lose when society is polarized.

Read the full article here: Intellectuals and Race (Part 4)

Intellectuals and Race (Part 3)

by Thomas Sowell

The desire of intellectuals for some grand theory that will explain complex patterns with some solitary and simple factor has produced many ideas that do not stand up under scrutiny, but which have nevertheless had widespread acceptance — and sometimes catastrophic consequences — in countries around the world.

The theory of genetic determinism which dominated the early 20th century led to many harmful consequences, ranging from racial segregation and discrimination up to and including the Holocaust. The currently prevailing theory is that malice of one sort or another explains group differences in outcomes. Whether the lethal results of this theory would add up to as many murders as in the Holocaust is a question whose answer would require a detailed study of the history of lethal outbursts against groups hated for their success.

These would include murderous mob violence against the Jews in Europe, the Chinese in Southeast Asia, the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and the Ibos in Nigeria, among others. Class-based mass slaughters of the successful would range from Stalin's extermination of the kulaks in the Soviet Union to Pol Pot's wiping out of at least a quarter of the population of Cambodia for the crime of being educated middle class people, as evidenced by even such tenuous signs as wearing glasses.

Minorities who have been more successful than the general population have been the least likely to have gotten ahead by discriminating against politically dominant majorities. Yet it is precisely such minorities who have attracted the most mass violence over the centuries and in countries around the world.

All the blacks lynched in the entire history of the United States would not add up to as many murders as those committed in one year by mobs against the Jews in Europe, the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire or the Chinese in Southeast Asia.

What is there about group success that inflames mobs in such disparate times and places, not to mention mass-murdering governments in Nazi Germany or the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia? We can speculate about the reasons but there is no escaping the reality.


Read the full article here: Intellectuals and Race (Part 3)

Intelletuals and Race (Part 2)

by Thomas Sowell

Even such a British patriot as Winston Churchill said, "We owe London to Rome" — an acknowledgement that Roman conquerors created Britain's most famous city, at a time when the ancient Britons were incapable of doing so themselves.

No one who saw the illiterate and backward tribal Britons of that era was likely to imagine that someday the British would create an empire vastly larger than the Roman Empire — one encompassing one fourth of the land area of the earth and one fourth of the human beings on the planet.

History has many dramatic examples of the rise and fall of peoples and nations, for a wide range of known and unknown reasons. What history does not have is what is so often assumed as a norm today, equality of group achievements at a given point in time. [....]

Yet today we have bean counters in Washington turning out statistics that are solemnly presented in courts of law to claim that, if the numbers are not more or less the same for everybody, that proves that somebody did somebody else wrong.

Read the full article here: Intellectuals and Race (Part 2)

Intellectuals and Race

by Thomas Sowell

A hundred years ago, the fact that people from different racial backgrounds had very different rates of success in education, in the economy and in other endeavors, was taken as proof that some races were genetically superior to others.

Some races were considered to be so genetically inferior that eugenics was proposed to reduce their reproduction, and Francis Galton urged "the gradual extinction of an inferior race."

It was not a bunch of fringe cranks who said things like this. Many held Ph.D.s from the leading universities, taught at the leading universities and were internationally renowned.


This was not a left-right issue. The leading crusaders for theories of genetic superiority and inferiority were iconic figures on the left, on both sides of the Atlantic.

John Maynard Keynes helped create the Cambridge Eugenics Society. Fabian socialist intellectuals H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw were among many other leftist supporters of eugenics.

It was much the same story on this side of the Atlantic. President Woodrow Wilson, like many other Progressives, was solidly behind notions of racial superiority and inferiority. He showed the movie "Birth of a Nation," glorifying the Ku Klux Klan, at the White House, and invited various dignitaries to view it with him.

Such views dominated the first two decades of the 20th century. Now fast forward to the last few decades of the 20th century. The political left of this era was now on the opposite end of the spectrum on racial issues. Yet they too regarded differences in outcomes among racial and ethnic groups as something unusual, calling for some single, sweeping explanation

Now, instead of genes being the overriding reason for differences in outcomes, racism became the one-size-fits-all explanation. But the dogmatism was the same. Those who dared to disagree, or even to question the prevailing dogma in either era were dismissed — as "sentimentalists" in the Progressive era and as "racists" in the multicultural era.

Both the Progressives at the beginning of the 20th century and the liberals at the end started from the same false premise — namely, that there is something unusual about different racial and ethnic groups having different achievements.

Yet some racial or ethnic minorities have owned or directed more than half of whole industries in many nations. These have included the Chinese in Malaysia, Lebanese in West Africa, Greeks in the Ottoman Empire, Britons in Argentina, Indians in Fiji, Jews in Poland, and Spaniards in Chile — among many others.

Not only different racial and ethnic groups, but whole nations and civilizations, have had very different achievements for centuries. China in the 15th century was more advanced than any country in Europe. Eventually Europeans overtook the Chinese — and there is no evidence of changes in the genes of either of them.


Yet the idea that differences in outcomes are odd, if not sinister, has been repeated mindlessly from street corner demagogues to the august chambers of the Supreme Court.

Read Full Article Here: Intellectuals and Race

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Totalitarian Temptation -- With Us Again

By Sol Sanders

[...]What is much more threatening is that once again, as has happened in our history but rarely at the federal level, we are threatened by demagoguery masquerading as populist reformism. Those who would want "to transform" the American Republic are, alas(!), often those whose abysmal ignorance of our history and our institutions is apparent. But their appeal for facile (often termed "comprehensive") solutions to complex problems that require repeated and detailed analyses and incremental remedial rather than revolutionary solutions is stronger than ever. In a new class of ill-educated but highly mobile elitists who know what is best for the rest of us, there is a growing tendency toward authoritarian rule. [...]

[In regard to the Founders of the US government:...] But most of all they had an intuitive knowledge of human imperfection; they knew that no institutions could survive without being carefully crafted to avoid the domination of one man or one group of men or even one portion of the governing process. [...]

Dividing the roles of government into legislative, executive and judicial was at the heart of the new American Republic which Benjamin Franklin said the Constitutional Convention had bequeathed Americans "if they could keep it". Never has it been more threatened as it is today by an extremely popular president who has the temerity to publicly espouse a course of action where he will use the vast power of his office to achieve what he considers a worthy end when the tangled but necessary Congressional procedure does not produce.

Read the full article here:

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Let's Get Out the Vote!!!

Let's be real....  The main reason our democracy in the US suffers is that a large portion of the people who come to the polls on every election day happen to be the same ones who follow issues and events, weigh them against what the different parties and politicians have to offer, and then take time out of their personal lives to go to the polls and cast a ballot.  But how many people does that leave behind, abandoned, fallen out of the system?  It's imperative that we get these people to the polls!  That's why the Democratic Party of the United States has sponsored so many initiatives over the years from lottery tickets for voter registration (that one failed, incidentally), motor-voter registration, registration at welfare offices, offering to bus people to the polling booths and opposing the requirement for voter identification (which, incidentally, shuts a lot of non-US citizens out and makes the system a whole lot less holistic!).  It's about MAKING DEMOCRACY WORK (not about getting morons to the polls!).  The below video shows the caliber of some of those who don't have the time to follow issues, learn about candidates or arrange to get themselves to a polling booths on voting day.  Think of the potential and opportunity for CHANGE!  I'm sure these people must be disgruntled about something or other.

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Obama Bewails the Misfortunes of the Children Who Can't Get in the House Paid for by the Taxpayers of this Country

Barry's hands are always tied.... He'd like to lead the country, if only everyone would give him his way!  He's such a good guy!

Chump-change crook!

        Video courtesy of Weasel Zippers

Monday, March 11, 2013

Don't Cry for Me Argentina: More than 99% of Falkland Island VotersVote to Remain British (92% Turnout)

(CNN) -- Residents of the Falkland Islands voted overwhelmingly to remain a British Overseas Territory, an official said late Monday.
The question put to voters was: "Do you wish the Falkland Islands to retain their current political status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom?"
More than 99% of voters said yes, according to Darren Christie, public relations manager for the Falklands Islands government. [....]
"The Falkland Islanders are a peaceful, hard-working and resilient people. Our society is thriving and forward-looking. All we ask is to be left in peace to choose our own future, and responsibly develop our home for our children and generations to come," the government says.
Calls to mind Nile Gardiner's piece (three years running now...) on Barack Obama's Top Ten Insults Against Britain in the Telegraph.  The number one grievance Gardiner cited in 2012 was: Siding with Argentina Over the Falkland Islands.  " In a March 2010 press conference in Buenos Aires with President Cristina Kirchner, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave Argentina a huge propaganda coup by emphatically backing the position of the Péronist regime.
In June 2011, Mrs Clinton slapped Britain in face again by signing on to an Organisation of American States (OAS) resolution calling for negotiations over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, a position which is completely unacceptable to Great Britain. To add insult to injury, the Obama administration has insisted on using the Argentine term “Malvinas” to describe the Islands in yet another sop to Buenos Aires."

Ah, yes.  Demonstrates, once more, what lessons the Czechs, the Poles, the Egyptians, the Iranians etc have taught us -- Obama always comes up on the wrong side of history when he can't confiscate other people's possessions as hand-outs to buy votes.  Stack the Senate and House with Republicans in 2014.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

International "Agents of Change" (and Mayhem)

Barack Obama's favorite in the 2007 Kenyan Presidential race, Raila Odinga, lost again this weekend, this time to Uhuru Kenyatta (son of the nation's first post-colonial president, Jomo Kenyatta).  In 2006, Obama visited Kenya for a week and spent an inordinate amount of time with candidate Odinga, from the time he got off the plane, through Odinga campaign rallies, to numerous other public appearances.  Obama simultaneously criticized the corruption of the current, non-perfect, non-unicorn administration, and touted the need for Kenyans to "change!" (Kenyan President at the time, Mwai Kibaki, called Obama a "tool of Odinga.")  In late 2007, numerous sources report Obama dispatched Clinton campaign strategist, Dick Morris, to Kenya to assist with Odinga's election campaign.  Ultimately, Odinga lost in December 2007, at which point his supporters, mainly Luo, let loose an orgy of tribal violence which left at least 1000 dead and 500,000 homeless.  The cataclysm subsided as an agreement was reached which would allow Odinga to become Prime Minister for the next term. Odinga's 2007 campaign, curiously, also ran on the hyped, nebulous buzzword of "change", with his website using slogans such as, "Vote for Change," "Register for Change," "Your Agent of Change."

Happily, thusfar, the 2013 election has gone relatively smoothly.  With the scandal of International Criminal Court charges still hanging over Kenyatta, however, I think the situation is still tenuous.  Hopefully, no  foreign arrogant, affronted, temper-tantrum-proned, nimwitted "progressive" for world salvation will stoke the embers.  It would be best if all could work things forward by peace and law, which is what both Odinga and Kenyatta are currently pledging to do.  BARRY STAY OUT OF IT! 
Excellent background read from 2008 by Jacksonian here:

Hope and Change Tweet

Macho Man vs Sissy Boy

Great pictorial comparison between Putin and Obama at:

Putin looks China's President in the eye.  Obama bows like a weak dog.



Putin looks the Saudi King in the eye.  Obama....  WTF?!

Putin looks the Emporer of Japan in the eye.  Obama....  WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!



Saturday, March 9, 2013

What is the Obama Administration's Foreign Policy?

I have watched in both horror, and the kind of fascination that comes from watching a train wreck, the foreign "policy" of the Obama administration.  From an international apology tour--bowing to any foreign dignitary present--to toppling the Libyan government and arbitrarily supporting unknown insurgents in Libya who later killed the US Ambassador to Libya; to supporting the very well known Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.  This incomprehensible performance by the Obama Administration, thus far, has resulted in a far less stable world and a diminished leadership status for the United States.


The short term culmination to this outrageously irresponsible track record should have been the attack on the United State Consulate in Benghazi and the murders of the US Ambassador to Libya and other US Citizens.  That attack should have changed everything about how this administration handles the business of America.  Instead, the administration blamed an unknown Internet movie about the Prophet Muhammad (pictured below) as having caused the violence in Benghazi.

Instead it hasn't changed a thing.  In fact, it gets worse ...

The US Government will provide the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt F-16 fighter aircraft and Abrams Tanks as gifts.  This is the same Muslim Brotherhood that encourages the burning of Coptic Christian Churches and has repeatedly stating Israel does not have a right to exist.  Their leader, Mohamed Morsi, goes further, stating Jews were "the descendants of apes and pigs."  These are the new strategic allies of the Obama Administration in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, as jets and tanks are given to the Egyptian government,  the US Army has shut down tuition assistance for soldiers, stating they can no longer afford this benefit.  By providing top-of-the-line weapons systems to an Islamic Terror organization, the US is strengthening a possible future military enemy; while at the same time Obama is weakening the all volunteer force of the US by denying them professional enrichment opportunities.

Many pundits defend Obama's foreign policy, saying he is a "hawk," -- using drones to assassinate those enemies who wish to do the US harm. While drones have their place in foreign policy, they are only a small portion of national power.  Other aspects, diplomatic, informational and economic have been used incredibly poorly and showing a dangerously amateurish team that puts politics first and national interest a very distant second.   

There is no doubt the world will be a very different place at the end of Obama's second term in 2016.  It remains to be seen how much damage will be done.

(note inset at bottom right)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Barack Obama Seals White House from Children for Revenge; Plans Third Family Vacation of 2013

Fox's Barnini Chakraborty addresses relatively easy, cost-saving alternatives to closing the nation's White House to visitors starting this weekend.

Obama's pricey golf outings have been a particular target for Republicans who see them as examples of what they say are the administration's rather selective concerns with running up the tab of Secret Service resources. On March 5, Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert filed an amendment to a House resolution that would prohibit federal funds from being spent on Obama's golf trips until public tours of the White House resumed.
Gohmert referenced press reports pegging the cost of a recent Florida golf outing Obama took with Tiger Woods at $1 million. He also cited press reports saying 341 federal workers could have been spared furloughs if Obama had stayed home.
"The president's travel expenses alone, for the golfing outing with Tiger Woods, would pay for a year of White House visits," Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer said Thursday. "So I suggest that perhaps he curtail the travel."
Read more: White House suspends public tours, but first family trips in full swing

Meanwhile Chakraborty's co-workers, Eric Bolling and Sean Hannity, pledged Thursday to provide a combined total of $96,000, out of their own pockets, to keep the White House tours open for at least another week.  Breaking news is that Donald Trump has offered $5 million for the same cause, if Bill Maher or another Democratic icon will match the funds.  Crickets all around.  No word on Barack Obama opening his own wallet.   Nothing at all. Crickets.  Hope and Change! 

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

"Sudden Jihad Syndrome"

This is one of the most cogent, comprehensive and balanced arguments I've seen towards redirecting US policy to a reasonable and effective treatment of Islamic terrorism.

Despite the already-established Al Qaeda modus operandi of multiple simultaneous attacks (e.g. the 1998 Kenya and Tanzania embassy bombings, 9/11, the 2004 Madrid train bombings, the 2005 London mass transit bombings), when Major Nidal Hassan jumped on a table at Fort Hood's Readiness Processing Center in 2009 screaming "Allahu Akbar," no warning was put out by the US government in the immediate aftermath of the event that the attack even "might have been" inspired by Islamist extremism.  This left countless, competent US security professionals without the necessary information to temporarily execute passive security measures to ward off potential collateral strikes.  It is merely fortunate, in this case, that a network was not in place for attacks against other US targets.  While Pipes adequately addresses the tactical ideology behind not wanting to attribute such attacks to Islamic extremism, it is inexcusable for the US government to have unilaterally put US citizens' lives at risk to buttress such a tenuous, narrow (and arguably failed) approach. 

Denying Islam's Role in Terror: Explaining the Denial

by Daniel Pipes
Middle East Quarterly
Spring 2013
Over three years after Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's massacre at Ft. Hood, Texas, in November 2009, the classification of his crime remains in dispute. In its wisdom, the Department of Defense, supported by law enforcement, politicians, journalists, and academics, deems the killing of thirteen and wounding of forty-three to be "workplace violence." For example, the 86-page study on preventing a repeat episode, Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood, mentions "workplace violence" sixteen times.

Indeed, were the subject not morbid, one could be amused by the disagreement over what exactly caused the major to erupt. Speculations included "racism" against him, "harassment he had received as a Muslim," his "sense of not belonging," "mental problems," "emotional problems," "an inordinate amount of stress," the "worst nightmare" of his being deployed to Afghanistan, or something fancifully called "pre-traumatic stress disorder." One newspaper headline, "Mindset of Rogue Major a Mystery," sums up this bogus state of confusion.[2]

More Here: Denying Islam's Role in Terror: Explaining the Denial

Thursday, March 7, 2013

North Korea Threatens Pre-Emptive Nuclear Strike--what now?

According to Pyongyang, North Korea "will exercise the right to a preemptive nuclear attack to destroy the strongholds of the aggressors and to defend the supreme interests of the country," the country said in a statement carried by the state-run Korean Central News Agency.

What now?

Although Pyongyang is crazy as bat shit, this threat should not be taken lightly and a nasty letter from the United Nations is not the correct course of action.

The United States needs to send a clear, slightly disabling, military message to North Korea that they crossed a red line.  If there is not a response, the North Korean rhetoric will get more belligerent. Nuclear attack on the US?  Not likely in the short term.  However, if no unilateral response is given, this behavior will get more belligerent.

North Korea is seeking unilateral attention from the United States.  I say we quietly give North Korea the attention they so desperately seek ...

Motown Icon Tina Turner now a Swiss Citizen?

While Obama is busy transforming America, wealthy American citizens including Motown great Tina Turner, who recently renounced her American citizenship and became a Swiss citizen, are leaving in droves.  It's been reported that Americans are also giving up their citizenship to become British! The irony ...


Wayne Root and the team at Personal Liberty Digest gives a great overview of why Obama's transformation of America ultimately won't work.  You can find his comments at:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Get Some!: Mooch and "Ghengis-John" Kerry to Award Outspoken, Anti-American, Anti-Semite, Terrorist-Sympathizing Airhead at State Department Dinner

From the same people who brought you, "Ten Ways to Spend Yourself Out of Debt," comes this treasure.  When I think of all the resources these dumb-asses have at their disposal  (e.g. my taxes) to run background checks on people....  Speaks a lot to their gross mismanagement and just how far they really have their heads up their asses.  Oh, and, by the way -- these are the same Einsteins who want the power to be judge, jury and executioner over US citizens in the US by drone strike.  Like hell!

Samuel Tadros
On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award. The award, says the press release, is given to “women around the globe who have shown exceptional courage and leadership in advocating for women’s rights and empowerment, often at great personal risk.”
Five of these awards are being given to women from Muslim-majority countries, underscoring the unique plight of women in those countries. The only problem is that one of the women to be recognized is an anti-Semite and supports the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
Samira Ibrahim, as the State Department’s profile describes her, “was among seven women subjected by the Egyptian military to forced virginity tests in March 2011.” The press release further notes that Samira “was arrested while in high school for writing a paper that criticized Arab leaders’ insincere support to the Palestinian cause.” Apparently, the State Department is unaware of her other convictions.
On Twitter, Ibrahim is quite blunt regarding her views. On July 18 of last year, after five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver were killed a suicide bombing attack, Ibrahim jubilantly tweeted: “An explosion on a bus carrying Israelis in Burgas airport in Bulgaria on the Black Sea. Today is a very sweet day with a lot of very sweet news.”
Ibrahim frequently uses Twitter to air her anti-Semitic views. Last August 4, commenting on demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, she described the ruling Al Saud family as “dirtier than the Jews.” Seventeen days later she tweeted in reference to Adolf Hitler: “I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it. Hitler.”
Ibrahim holds other repellent views as well. As a mob was attacking the United States embassy in Cairo on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, pulling down the American flag and raising the flag of Al Qaeda, Ibrahim wrote on twitter: “Today is the anniversary of 9/11. May every year come with America burning.” Possibly fearing the consequences of her tweet, she deleted it a couple of hours later, but not before a screen shot was saved by an Egyptian activist.

Just today, apparently after having warned that her vicious tweets might cause her trouble during her visit to the U.S., she has written on twitter: “My account has been previously stolen and any tweet on racism and hatred is not me.” However, in the past she never made any mention of her account being “stolen.” The record of her anti-Semitic tweets is still available online.

Update: All the above comments/criticisms about the ineptitude of the Obama administration in vetting candidates for meritorious US Government recognition apply as...: US Government Cancels Award for Egyptian Woman Due to Anti-US Tweets  -- note that Samira Ibrahim also lied about her account being hacked, while waiting for the notariety of receiving this award, as she was hosted by the State Department in the US (exemplifying "taqiyya"/stealth jihad and personal avarice)..  Her comments were not only "anti-US," but hate-filled, racist taunts lauding the murder of innocent civilians.  Thanks to all the bloggers and objective news organizations who shamed the State Department into finally vetting this lame piece of trash.  Dwell in your racist cesspool, loser, and stay out of my country!

"Knock, Knock ... Hellfire Missile Coming Through"

Attorney General Holder believes drone strikes on American Citizens--in the USA--are legal and constitutional.  Not so fast ...

According to the Washington Times:

"Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is staging an active filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination to be CIA director, a move prompted by Attorney General Eric Holder’s admission that it could be constitutional to carry out a drone strike on an American in the United States.
Paul said that all presidents must honor the Fifth Amendment. “No American should ever be killed in their house without warrant and some kind of aggressive behavior by them,” Paul said on the Senate floor. “To be bombed in your sleep? There’s nothing American about that . . . [Obama] says trust him because he hasn’t done it yet. He says he doesn’t intend to do so, but he might. Mr. President, that’s not good enough . . . so I’ve come here to speak for as long as I can to draw attention to something that I find to really be very disturbing.”

More on this story can be found at

To have the US Attorney General, the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, make such an assertion is something that should spark outrage.  Since when did it become constitutional to assassinate American citizens? 

At some point in my studies I read about this concept called "Due Process."   What ever happened to that?  What threshold does an American have to meet to qualify for death ... by Hellfire?  Could it be tax evasion, unpaid taxes... TEA Party membership?

Robert Reich: What an Honest President Would Say About Health Reform

Robert Reich, former Clinton administration Labor Secretary and member of Obama Transition Team, at UC Berkeley, Sept 26th 2007 - speaks of "what the truth is" on heath care: higher costs, less pharmaceutical innovation and death panels -- yes, all those "lies" people are using to "vilify" dear leader's health care fantasy.

"I'll actually give you a speech made up entirely, almost on the spur of the moment, of what a candidate for president would say if that candidate did not care about becoming president. In other words, this is what the truth is and a candidate will never say, but what a candidate should say [....]

...and what I'm going to do is that I am going try to reorganize it to be more amenable to treating sick people but that means you, particularly you young people, particularly you young healthy're going to have to pay more. [applause]

"Thank you. And by the way, we're going to have to, if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It's too we're going to let you die. [applause]

"Also I'm going to use the bargaining leverage of the federal government in terms of Medicare, Medicaid---we already have a lot of bargaining leverage---to force drug companies and insurance companies and medical suppliers to reduce their costs. What that means, less innovation and that means less new products and less new drugs on the market which means you are probably not going to live much longer than your parents. Thank you."

Project Veritas: Personal Security, Government Capabilities and Civic Responsibilities

Sheriff David A. Clark Jr, Milwaukee County, talks about personal security, government capabilities and civic responsibilities (excerpt, Project Veritas:

Washington and Cairo's Muslim Brotherhood ... new BFFs or just misguided policy?

As of Thursday March 6, The Obama Administration was moving forward with providing gifts of high end military armaments to Egypt.  These gifts include dozens of F-16s and Abrams Tanks.  An amendment, sponsored and signed by Kentucky US Senator Rand Paul, to stop these gifts failed. 

Why in the world is the US government continuing to arm Egypt? 

The United States Government now finds itself under sequestration; and according to the Obama Administration the Department of Defense can no longer field troops, deploy aircraft carriers and even provide low-level assistance to the so-called "War on Drugs."  So then why are they providing military aid to the Muslim Brotherhood?  For that matter ... why are they providing anything to the Muslim Brotherhood?  Most Americans don't believe any aid should be headed to Egypt.  As recently as January 31, 2013 80% of Americans do not believe in providing aid to Egypt or any other countries hostile to the United States. 

According to Egyptian media, they are falling into civil war because the average Egyptian does not want anything to do with the Muslim Brotherhood, Sharia Law and losing the tourist industry, which has already been devastated.  The following are recent scenes throughout Egypt.  They illustrate the feelings towards the Muslim Brotherhood and Obama's aid to them.

The mainstream media is hardly touching this one. I guess actual facts getting in the middle of the wonders of the Arab Spring (or "Arab Nightmare" if you are one of the thousands of Egypt's Coptic Christians having their churches burned down, tortured and murdered) would require real reporters.  Not just lap-dog sycophants, licking the boots of their political masters.

Death of a Ruthless Autocrat (The Australian)

HE was lionised as a hero by the Western Left, of course, but it would be hard to find a leader in recent history who more comprehensively betrayed the wellbeing of his country than Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. He was driven by an irrational, demagogic and self-defeating antagonism towards Washington that blinded him to his nation's best interests. 
He was prepared to align oil-rich Venezuela and his socialist revolution with the most odious regimes on the planet, such as those of Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, Syria's Bashar al-Assad, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, North Korea's Kim dynasty, Cuba's Castro family and, previously, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, both of whom he proclaimed "brothers".

Squandering Venezuela's vast oil wealth should have been challenging. But Mr Chavez was more than equal to the task -- his populist economics creating inflation now running at 22 per cent, massive corruption, a bloated public sector and a crippled private sector that has seen the number of private companies drop from 14,000 to 9000. Even China, which has lent Venezuela $US39 billion against future oil sales, gave up on him, sending his Foreign Minister scurrying back to Caracas empty-handed shortly before Mr Chavez's death.

More Here:

Most Back Cuts Overall – But Not to the Military (ABC News)

Looks like the majority of people are finally getting tired of Barry-the-demagogue's insane spending.

Greg Holyk
For all the dire warnings, most Americans welcome a five percent cut in overall federal spending this year. But the defense budget is another matter.
The public by nearly 2-1, 61-33 percent, supports cutting the overall budget along the lines of the sequester that took effect last Friday. But by nearly an identical margin, Americans in this ABC News/Washington Post poll oppose an eight percent across-the-board cut in military spending.
More here:

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley



I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away

Monday, March 4, 2013

Napolitano: Obama Secret Service team sheltered from cuts

Obama's DHS will release hundred/thousands of prisoners in your neighborhood, without notice to local authorities, to scare the hell out of the American people to further Obama's political agenda, but --- Obama and Biden's security detail? -  Napalitano:"We're going to protect that, of course."

Hope and Change!

(Politico) Despite the sequester, the Secret Service isn't going to skimp when it comes to protecting President Barack Obama, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Monday.
Speaking at a Playbook breakfast at the Newseum, Napolitano said the teams of Secret Service agents assigned to protect Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will be sheltered from the broad spending cuts required as part of the budget reduction that that kicked in on Friday.
"Obviously, one of the major responsibilities, if not the major responsibility, of the Service is the protection of the president and the vice president. So, the protective side, we’re going to protect that, of course," Napolitano told POLITICO's Mike Allen.

Read More Here:

More Whoppers from the Ministry of Hope and Change

Airports contradict Janet Napolitano's sequester claim

Airports contradict Janet Napolitano's sequester claim

Raf Sanchez, The Telegraph

Ms Napolitano said today that major airports were seeing lines "150 to 200 per cent as long as we would normally expect" as result of the federal spending cuts that went into force on Friday.

"We're already seeing the effects at some of the ports of entry, the big airports, for example. Some of them had very long lines this weekend," she told a breakfast event organised by Politico.

When pressed for specifics she cited Chicago's O'Hare, Atlanta's Hartfield-Jackson and Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), adding: "I don't mean to scare, I mean to inform."

However, when contacted by The Daily Telegraph, spokespeople for both O'Hare and LAX, as well as representatives from the travel industry, denied that airports had been hit by delays.

"We haven't had any slowdowns at all," said Marshall Lowe, a spokesman for LAX. Mr Lowe said that he had been on duty over the weekend and received no reports of unusual security delays.

DeAllous Smith, a spokesman for Hartfield-Jackson, said: "There have been no abnormally long lines at the security checkpoint nor unusual aircraft delays at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport as a result of sequestration."

Their comments were echoed by Karen Pride, the director of media relations at Chicago Department of Aviation, who described operations at O'Hare as "normal" with "no unusual delays or cancellations".

When asked specifically about the cabinet secretary's claims, Ms Pride said: "I'm not aware of that. I've had no reports of that."
More Here:

Witty Twitter Two

Sean Agnew‏@seanagnew
Sequestration. Day 4. $250 million to Egypt.

So Obama & John Kerry gave Egypt 250 MILLION $... gee, how many criminal illegal aliens would that have left in prison?

Witty Twitter

I used to think the easiest job in America was meteorologist in San Diego, but now I know it's Budget Director for President Obama.