Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Let's Get Out the Vote!!!

Let's be real....  The main reason our democracy in the US suffers is that a large portion of the people who come to the polls on every election day happen to be the same ones who follow issues and events, weigh them against what the different parties and politicians have to offer, and then take time out of their personal lives to go to the polls and cast a ballot.  But how many people does that leave behind, abandoned, fallen out of the system?  It's imperative that we get these people to the polls!  That's why the Democratic Party of the United States has sponsored so many initiatives over the years from lottery tickets for voter registration (that one failed, incidentally), motor-voter registration, registration at welfare offices, offering to bus people to the polling booths and opposing the requirement for voter identification (which, incidentally, shuts a lot of non-US citizens out and makes the system a whole lot less holistic!).  It's about MAKING DEMOCRACY WORK (not about getting morons to the polls!).  The below video shows the caliber of some of those who don't have the time to follow issues, learn about candidates or arrange to get themselves to a polling booths on voting day.  Think of the potential and opportunity for CHANGE!  I'm sure these people must be disgruntled about something or other.

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