Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Totalitarian Temptation -- With Us Again

By Sol Sanders

[...]What is much more threatening is that once again, as has happened in our history but rarely at the federal level, we are threatened by demagoguery masquerading as populist reformism. Those who would want "to transform" the American Republic are, alas(!), often those whose abysmal ignorance of our history and our institutions is apparent. But their appeal for facile (often termed "comprehensive") solutions to complex problems that require repeated and detailed analyses and incremental remedial rather than revolutionary solutions is stronger than ever. In a new class of ill-educated but highly mobile elitists who know what is best for the rest of us, there is a growing tendency toward authoritarian rule. [...]

[In regard to the Founders of the US government:...] But most of all they had an intuitive knowledge of human imperfection; they knew that no institutions could survive without being carefully crafted to avoid the domination of one man or one group of men or even one portion of the governing process. [...]

Dividing the roles of government into legislative, executive and judicial was at the heart of the new American Republic which Benjamin Franklin said the Constitutional Convention had bequeathed Americans "if they could keep it". Never has it been more threatened as it is today by an extremely popular president who has the temerity to publicly espouse a course of action where he will use the vast power of his office to achieve what he considers a worthy end when the tangled but necessary Congressional procedure does not produce.

Read the full article here:

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