Saturday, March 9, 2013

What is the Obama Administration's Foreign Policy?

I have watched in both horror, and the kind of fascination that comes from watching a train wreck, the foreign "policy" of the Obama administration.  From an international apology tour--bowing to any foreign dignitary present--to toppling the Libyan government and arbitrarily supporting unknown insurgents in Libya who later killed the US Ambassador to Libya; to supporting the very well known Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.  This incomprehensible performance by the Obama Administration, thus far, has resulted in a far less stable world and a diminished leadership status for the United States.


The short term culmination to this outrageously irresponsible track record should have been the attack on the United State Consulate in Benghazi and the murders of the US Ambassador to Libya and other US Citizens.  That attack should have changed everything about how this administration handles the business of America.  Instead, the administration blamed an unknown Internet movie about the Prophet Muhammad (pictured below) as having caused the violence in Benghazi.

Instead it hasn't changed a thing.  In fact, it gets worse ...

The US Government will provide the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt F-16 fighter aircraft and Abrams Tanks as gifts.  This is the same Muslim Brotherhood that encourages the burning of Coptic Christian Churches and has repeatedly stating Israel does not have a right to exist.  Their leader, Mohamed Morsi, goes further, stating Jews were "the descendants of apes and pigs."  These are the new strategic allies of the Obama Administration in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, as jets and tanks are given to the Egyptian government,  the US Army has shut down tuition assistance for soldiers, stating they can no longer afford this benefit.  By providing top-of-the-line weapons systems to an Islamic Terror organization, the US is strengthening a possible future military enemy; while at the same time Obama is weakening the all volunteer force of the US by denying them professional enrichment opportunities.

Many pundits defend Obama's foreign policy, saying he is a "hawk," -- using drones to assassinate those enemies who wish to do the US harm. While drones have their place in foreign policy, they are only a small portion of national power.  Other aspects, diplomatic, informational and economic have been used incredibly poorly and showing a dangerously amateurish team that puts politics first and national interest a very distant second.   

There is no doubt the world will be a very different place at the end of Obama's second term in 2016.  It remains to be seen how much damage will be done.

(note inset at bottom right)

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