Thursday, March 21, 2013

Religion of Peace Wins New Convert

Psycho Batman killer, James Holmes, embraces Islam to come to terms with his insanity.

** FILE ** Prosecutors say James Holmes, seen here in court July 23, 2012, was banned from the University of Colorado. (Associated Press)Washington Times: The man who shot up an Aurora, Colo., movie theater during a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” last summer has reportedly converted to Islam and prays up to five times a day.

A prison source say the beard James Holmes sported in court last months represents his new-found faith. The source said Mr. Holmes has turned Muslim as a way of justifying his horrific crimes on July 20 which left 12 people dead and 58 people wounded, the Daily Mail reports.

“He has brainwashed himself into believing he was on his own personal jihad and that his victims were infidels,” the source told the National Enquirer.

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