Saturday, March 2, 2013

President Obama Proclaims His Own Plan "Dumb" and "Unnecessary"

Jamie Dupree: The sequester becomes real

[Millions disappointed after attending sleepless vigil, staring up into the sky, wait for ancient alien race to come and reclaim the earth at its moment of crisis.]
Jamie Dupree (Washington Post)
With the stroke of a pen, President Obama set in motion on Friday night $85 billion in automatic, across the board budget cuts in this year's budget, cuts that the President himself labeled "dumb" at an impromptu news conference in the White House Briefing Room.
"And let’s be clear. None of this is necessary," the President said, repeatedly pointing the finger of blame at Republicans in the Congress, who were more than ready to point right back and blame him for coming up with the idea.
- See more at:

Yup! Ten-plus hours already, and no sign of fire raining down from sky. No doubt in my mind, however, Obama will yet try to manufacture a crisis out of these unsubstantial cuts to further his political agenda (Raum Emmanuel: "You never let a serious crisis go to waste"). The debacle with ICE freeing hundreds of prisoners has already been noted.

Here's the reality. Every working person in this country is already taking an almost 3% cut in income this year due to Obama allowing payroll tax cuts to expire (...uh, remember when he said there would be no new burden put on middle class?). Anyway, in the adult world, instead of whining about a two or three percent budget cut ad infinitum, you deal with it -- e.g. eat out one less night per month, give up a delicacy or two, maybe cut a pay channel from your tv and exercise more, I dunno. On the other hand, instead of doing these things, you could.... refuse to pay your rent; not pay your taxes; not pay your kid's tuition -- or myriad other irresponsible things, then say that the expiration of payroll tax cuts forced you not to pay your rent, not to pay your taxes, not to pay your kid's tuition. This is the example set by our whiny Community Organizer in Chief. I'm sure Obama has more surprises in store. I truly hope one of these inmates freed by ICE doesn't commit some horrific act, but, if they do, the blame will fall squarely on the shoulders of those who endangered the security of the US public to further a political agenda.

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

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