Saturday, March 2, 2013

Egypt Opposition Asks Itself: "Why Bother?"

Just because he could get ram-rodded through the Senate confirmation process here, doesn't win him any respect overseas.

Egypt Opposition Leader Turned Down Kerry Meeting

An Egyptian opposition leader said he and colleague Mohamed ElBaradei have turned down invitations to meet Secretary of State John Kerry when he visits Cairo because of US pressure.

Hamdeen Sabahi, a leader of the National Salvation Front (NSF), said late Thursday that he and ElBaradei objected to Washington's call for the opposition to reconsider its boycott of Egypt's parliamentary election in April.

Kerry is expected in Egypt over the weekend.

"I received an invitation and turned it down, and Dr ElBaradei received an invitation and he turned it down," Sabahi said in an interview with ONTV television channel.

"We want to send a message that we reject American pressure," Sabahi added.

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