Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Washington and Cairo's Muslim Brotherhood ... new BFFs or just misguided policy?

As of Thursday March 6, The Obama Administration was moving forward with providing gifts of high end military armaments to Egypt.  These gifts include dozens of F-16s and Abrams Tanks.  An amendment, sponsored and signed by Kentucky US Senator Rand Paul, to stop these gifts failed. 

Why in the world is the US government continuing to arm Egypt? 

The United States Government now finds itself under sequestration; and according to the Obama Administration the Department of Defense can no longer field troops, deploy aircraft carriers and even provide low-level assistance to the so-called "War on Drugs."  So then why are they providing military aid to the Muslim Brotherhood?  For that matter ... why are they providing anything to the Muslim Brotherhood?  Most Americans don't believe any aid should be headed to Egypt.  As recently as January 31, 2013 80% of Americans do not believe in providing aid to Egypt or any other countries hostile to the United States. 

According to Egyptian media, they are falling into civil war because the average Egyptian does not want anything to do with the Muslim Brotherhood, Sharia Law and losing the tourist industry, which has already been devastated.  The following are recent scenes throughout Egypt.  They illustrate the feelings towards the Muslim Brotherhood and Obama's aid to them.

The mainstream media is hardly touching this one. I guess actual facts getting in the middle of the wonders of the Arab Spring (or "Arab Nightmare" if you are one of the thousands of Egypt's Coptic Christians having their churches burned down, tortured and murdered) would require real reporters.  Not just lap-dog sycophants, licking the boots of their political masters.

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