Friday, March 8, 2013

Barack Obama Seals White House from Children for Revenge; Plans Third Family Vacation of 2013

Fox's Barnini Chakraborty addresses relatively easy, cost-saving alternatives to closing the nation's White House to visitors starting this weekend.

Obama's pricey golf outings have been a particular target for Republicans who see them as examples of what they say are the administration's rather selective concerns with running up the tab of Secret Service resources. On March 5, Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert filed an amendment to a House resolution that would prohibit federal funds from being spent on Obama's golf trips until public tours of the White House resumed.
Gohmert referenced press reports pegging the cost of a recent Florida golf outing Obama took with Tiger Woods at $1 million. He also cited press reports saying 341 federal workers could have been spared furloughs if Obama had stayed home.
"The president's travel expenses alone, for the golfing outing with Tiger Woods, would pay for a year of White House visits," Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer said Thursday. "So I suggest that perhaps he curtail the travel."
Read more: White House suspends public tours, but first family trips in full swing

Meanwhile Chakraborty's co-workers, Eric Bolling and Sean Hannity, pledged Thursday to provide a combined total of $96,000, out of their own pockets, to keep the White House tours open for at least another week.  Breaking news is that Donald Trump has offered $5 million for the same cause, if Bill Maher or another Democratic icon will match the funds.  Crickets all around.  No word on Barack Obama opening his own wallet.   Nothing at all. Crickets.  Hope and Change! 

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