Monday, March 4, 2013

Napolitano: Obama Secret Service team sheltered from cuts

Obama's DHS will release hundred/thousands of prisoners in your neighborhood, without notice to local authorities, to scare the hell out of the American people to further Obama's political agenda, but --- Obama and Biden's security detail? -  Napalitano:"We're going to protect that, of course."

Hope and Change!

(Politico) Despite the sequester, the Secret Service isn't going to skimp when it comes to protecting President Barack Obama, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Monday.
Speaking at a Playbook breakfast at the Newseum, Napolitano said the teams of Secret Service agents assigned to protect Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will be sheltered from the broad spending cuts required as part of the budget reduction that that kicked in on Friday.
"Obviously, one of the major responsibilities, if not the major responsibility, of the Service is the protection of the president and the vice president. So, the protective side, we’re going to protect that, of course," Napolitano told POLITICO's Mike Allen.

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