Monday, March 18, 2013

Egyptian Army warns Government of Israel: Obama too Cozy with Muslim Brotherhood

No.  This is not a story from The Onion.

In a new post by "The Tower," founded in January 2013 as a project of The Israel Project, a nonpartisan 501c3 educational organization based in Washington D.C., a recent, low key series of meetings highlight the interesting dynamics currently playing out between the Egyptian Army and Government of Israel:

"According to sources in touch with Egyptian officials, the messages delivered to Israeli counterparts by visiting military intelligence officers made clear that the Egyptian military is deeply concerned both with the increasingly aggressive effort by Hamas terrorists to act against Egypt, both inside the country’s borders and in concert with Iran, as well as with spreading domestic unrest. They are acutely aware of economic pitfalls that lay ahead. The Egyptians also came with a specific request: assistance from Israel in explaining to President Obama and the U.S. administration that the U.S has been too friendly to the Muslim Brotherhood and must pursue a more cautious course with those the Administration may not fully understand. What’s more, Morsi is clearly being told by those in charge of defending Egypt that Hamas is a threat to Egypt’s national security, and that Morsi himself faces a choice been serving Egypt’s interests or those of an ideology."

"Some analysts suggest that further Hamas activity in Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood support for the group, and moves by the Egyptian army to thwart the threat should be read against growing strain between Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood-linked government and Egyptian security forces. The army’s signals indicate they intend to continue to see their role as a stabilizing force loyal to Egypt. The Tower conveyed speculations earlier this week that Morsi’s failure to garner political legitimacy or restore economic stability was impacting his domestic standing. The Egyptian military has begun holding meetings without him present, and military sources have made sure to leak the news of those meetings to Egyptian media."

Wow!  What an awkward position for the Obama Administration:  The Egyptian Army sees itself as a stabilizing role in Egyptian internal affairs and when they decide enough-is-enough and squash Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood troglodytes, who will Obama's White House support?  After all, Secretary of State John Abu Kerryovich just left Egypt after making BFFs of Morsi and his savages, promising more money and top of the line American military hardware.

Has the Obama Administration gotten too cozy with the Muslim Brotherhood?
According to the Egyptian Army they sure have.

The story in its entirety can be read at:

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